
"Elvis" film explores the life and music of Elvis Presley (Austin Butler), seen through the prism of his complicated relationship with his enigmatic manager, Colonel Tom Parker (Tom Hanks). The story delves into the complex dynamic between Presley and Parker spanning over 20 years, from Presley’s rise to fame to his unprecedented stardom, against the backdrop of the evolving cultural landscape and loss of innocence in America. Central to that journey is one of the most significant and influential people in Elvis’s life, Priscilla Presley (Olivia DeJonge).


2022-05-23 Trailer 2 480p 720p 1080p Apple
28.2MB 131MB 222MB   embed
2022-02-17 Trailer 480p 720p 1080p Apple
29.8MB 135MB 241MB   embed

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