Ghost House

A young couple, Jim and Julie, are vacationing in Thailand where Julie falls in love withphotographing small shrines called“Ghost Houses”that are believed to give spirits shelter and comfort. A couple of British travelers take them into the countryside with the promise of showing Jim and Julie a ghost house graveyard where many of theshrines are discarded. After leaving the graveyard with a souvenir, Julie is increasingly plagued by visits from a malevolent spirit that threatens both her sanity and her life. After Julie is literally frozen in a state of terror, Jim must find a way to lift the curse before he loses Julie to the ghost world forever.


2017-07-14 Trailer Apple Direct Download Unavailable 480p 720p 1080p Apple
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2017-08-25 Clip Apple Direct Download Unavailable 480p 720p 1080p Apple
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