Planes: Fire and Rescue

“Planes: Fire & Rescue” is a new comedy-adventure about second chances, featuring a dynamic crew of elite firefighting aircraft devoted to protecting historic Piston Peak National Park from raging wildfire. When world-famous air racer Dusty (voice of Dane Cook) learns that his engine is damaged and he may never race again, he must shift gears and is launched into the world of aerial firefighting. Dusty joins forces with veteran fire and rescue helicopter Blade Ranger and his courageous team, including spirited super scooper Dipper (voice of Julie Bowen), heavy-lift helicopter Windlifter, ex-military transport Cabbie and a lively bunch of brave all-terrain vehicles known as The Smokejumpers. Together, the fearless team battles a massive wildfire, and Dusty learns what it takes to become a true hero.


2014-06-23 Trailer No. 3 480p 720p Moviefone
40.5MB 64.8MB     embed
2014-06-20 Trailer 4 Apple Direct Download Unavailable 480p 720p 1080p Apple
21.1MB 94.7MB 176MB   embed
2014-06-17 Extended Trailer Yahoo! Redirection Script 480p 720p 1080p Yahoo!
31.1MB 59.4MB 79.6MB   embed
2014-04-11 Trailer: Thunder Yahoo! Redirection Script 480p 720p 1080p Yahoo!
28.4MB 54.1MB 72.7MB   embed
2014-04-09 Trailer 3 Apple Direct Download Unavailable 480p 720p 1080p Apple
19.7MB 87.7MB 165MB   embed
2014-02-19 Trailer No. 2 480p 720p Moviefone
26.6MB 43.9MB     embed
2014-02-07 Trailer 2 Apple Direct Download Unavailable 480p 720p 1080p Apple
15.1MB 69.6MB 129MB   embed
2014-02-05 Theatrical Trailer Yahoo! Redirection Script 480p 720p 1080p Yahoo!
23.7MB 44.5MB 62.1MB   embed
2013-11-13 Trailer Apple Direct Download Unavailable 480p 720p 1080p Apple
9.72MB 43MB 82.8MB   embed
2013-10-30 Teaser Trailer Yahoo! Redirection Script 480p 720p 1080p Yahoo!
14.7MB 26.3MB 37.8MB   embed
2013-10-28 Trailer No. 1 480p 720p Moviefone
8.45MB 14.8MB     embed


2014-07-24 Featurette Apple Direct Download Unavailable 480p 720p 1080p Apple
22.3MB 77.5MB 133MB   embed
2014-07-09 Clip: CHoPs Yahoo! Redirection Script 480p 720p 1080p Yahoo!
11.3MB 21.6MB 28.9MB   embed

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